Homeward Bound, Seaward Drawn
Columbia River Gorge, Oregon, USA.
In a life spent chasing waves I've seen some things. Standing on a beach. Breath condensing. Hands deep in pockets. Watching groomed swell lines explode in perfect symmetry upon a lonely sand bar. Those fleeting, ephemeral moments when light kisses a distant peak goodnight. Lying under blankets of stars, face-to-face with infinity.
The path to capturing such moments through photography was inevitable for me. These days I get as much pleasure taking photos as I do chasing waves. So while the halcyon glow of memory fades, the moments become eternal; existing frozen in time and pixels.
I'm indebted to my father-in-law who gifted me my first real camera. I'm blessed to have been born and raised in New Zealand where I learned that the land is everything. And I'm forever humbled by Papatuanuku (Mother Earth) and her endless generosity and beauty.
Whatungarongaro te tangata toitū te whenua
As man disappears from sight, the land remains
Crater Lake, Oregon, USA.